
Sunday, February 17, 2013

photos: Coalition Against Nukes U.S.A. joins with Forward on Climate! to Bust the Nuclear Myth in Washington D.C.

photos courtesy Lisa Marie Prescott

Nuclear Energy Information Service

"Nuclear has a huge carbon footprint from the mining and milling to the enrichment process and all the way through the fuel cycle," said Priscilla Star, executive director and founder of Coalition Against Nukes. At todays rally in Washington D.C., C.A.N. joined with our partners Beyond Nuclear, the Nuclear Information Resource ServicesSierra Club Nukefree CampaignNuclear Energy Information ServiceFriends of the Earth and the Green Party to march in unity and solidarity to demand POLITICAL CHANGE not CLIMATE CHANGE! and a Green New Deal for America that will be both Carbon and Nuclear Free!

more: whats up: photos: Coalition Against Nukes U.S.A. joins with Forward on Climate! to Bust the Nuclear Myth in Washington D.C.

see also

whats up: Coalition Against Nukes U.S.A. joins with Forward on Climate! to Bust the Nuclear Myth in Washington D.C.
whats up: 2.17 #BustTheMyth :: Forward on Climate Rally
whats up: "Nukes are not carbon-free" | C.A.N. Coalition Against Nukes
whats up: NO NUKES • #RE_TOOL NOW

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