
Monday, September 8, 2014

Shut down the dangerous Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant. | CREDO Action

another PETITION to Shut down the dangerous Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant – Petition to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission:

“PG&E is endangering the lives of half a million Californians who live near the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant. Re
voke PG&E’s license to operate this aging, unsafe, and unnecessary nuclear power plant.”

In the wake of a 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Napa, a shocking new report from a federal nuclear safety official raises the prospect that PG&E's Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant could face catastrophic failure when the next big earthquake hits, and recommends that it be shut down.1

The report,2 which was authored by Diablo Canyon's former lead on-site inspector, flatly refutes PG&E's claim that the plant's two nuclear reactors can withstand an earthquake like the earthquake that shook northern California just a few weeks ago.

Incredibly, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is trusting PG&E's internal assessment of the danger of continuing to run the plant, despite the clear conflict of interest. With half a million people living within 50 miles of this disaster waiting to happen, the plant needs to be shut down now.

The engineers who designed the coastal nuclear plant at Fukushima believed it could withstand any disaster imaginable before a massive earthquake and tsunami struck in 2011 and caused a major catastrophe.

Here in California, sitting on the same earthquake prone Pacific Rim “ring of fire,” PG&E's engineers similarly claim that the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant can withstand any anticipated earthquake. But the plant was built long before a major fault line was discovered in 2008 -- just a few hundred yards offshore from the coastal nuclear plant.

The plant also sits nearby the Los Osos, Hosgri, and San Andreas Faults, a confluence of seismic features with dramatic potential activity that could overcome the plant’s outdated and inadequate safety design features.3 The fact is that no utility would choose to build and operate a nuclear facility at the current site knowing that it is surrounded by major fault lines.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has the power to revoke PG&E’s license to operate the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant -- and that's exactly what it needs to do.

Tell the Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Shut down the dangerous Diablo Canyon nuclear plant.

1. "AP Exclusive: Expert calls for Diablo Canyon shutdown," Associated Press, August, 25, 2014.
2. To download the full report, click here (PDF).
3. "Petition seeks closure of Diablo Canyon nuclear plant," San Francisco Chronicle, August 27, 2014.

SIGN NOW > Shut down the dangerous Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant. | CREDO Action


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