
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Support The #OcNukeDaily and #OccupyNuclear - GoFundMe

Greetings! I have started a gofundme campaign for "OcNuke" / #OccupyNuclear‬ Please consider helping out! – My hope here is to recover a portion of my expenses for the purchase of a new laptop, recoup some of the monthly expenses for #OccupyNuclear, and to just have something to live on for a little while.
(see the gofundme page for more about my situation)
Following something of a sabbatical, and then a push for COP21 and my #BustTheMyth / "don't nuke the climate" campaign, my current plan is to revitalize #OccupyNuclear after the first of the year. My goal is to publicize and increase media exposure for, and, to inspire personal involvements in, world-wide anti-nuclear efforts, actions, news, networking and events. Please see

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