Monday, July 31, 2017

SCANA, Santee Cooper pull plug on V.C. Summer !!!

As of April 2017, Construction at the V.C. Summer Nuclear Facility is 34 percent complete and billions of dollars over budget.

Efforts to build two state-of-the-art nuclear reactors at the V.C. Summer Nuclear Plant in Fairfield County have gone inert.
Citing escalating costs, uncertainty over tax credits and the amount of Toshiba's recent financial pledge, SCANA Corp., the majority partner at V.C. Summer, said in a statement it plans to file a notice of abandonment with state regulators.
The decision follows a similar by minority partner Santee Cooper to suspend construction efforts. Santee Cooper said doing so would save its customers $7 billion...

...Green groups opposed to V.C. Summer declared victory shortly after news the reactors would be abandoned became public.
“We applaud Santee Cooper and SCE&G for making the right decision to protect their customers," Stephen Smith, executive director of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, said in a statement.
"This project has been a multi-billion dollar disaster," Smith continued. "We also call on Georgia Power and their utility partners to protect their customers from the similarly risky, mismanaged project in Georgia at Southern Company’s Plant Vogtle.”
Representatives for Friends of the Earth, which has also called for a V.C. Summer shutdown, say consumers who helped pay for the reactors deserve refunds.
"The damage that this bungled project has caused to ratepayers and the state’s economy must be promptly addressed by SCE&G, Santee Cooper and regulators and all effort must be made to minimize that damage," Tom Clements, a senior advisor for Friends of the Earth, said in prepared comments.
"It’s time for money to be refunded as it was collected from them under the false pretense that advance payment for the nuclear project was sound," Clements said...
complete article: SCANA, Santee Cooper pull plug on V.C. Summer | News |

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Don't Let #DirtyEnergy Trump the #Climate | Crowdfunding and Petition

Help Us Mobilize to Save #CleanEnergy from Trump’s #DirtyEnergy Plan
The Trump administration is laying the groundwork for a massive dirty energy bailout to ensure America continues to rely on nuclear and coal for years to come. This is a fight for America’s clean energy future and everything that comes along with it--millions of good jobs, thriving communities, and safe, healthy food, air, and water. 
Despite renewable energy's benefits, President Trump is prioritizing coal and nuclear industries and their executives by funneling billions of dollars in subsidies to keep dirty, old, dangerous power plants going.

NIRS is organizing to stop them, and we need you to join us!  Over the next six months, we have to educate and mobilize the public across the country. It is going to take petitions, protests, and lots of grassroots organizing – and we have to start now.

If we can stop Trump’s Nuclear and Coal Bailout, more of the dirty radiation and soot factories will close, and demand for solar, wind, and other clean, safe, efficient, renewable energy sources will accelerate.

We’ve started this crowdfunding campaign to raise $40,000 to get this effort off the ground.  The good news is: Your donation will go twice as far toward making that happen. Another generous supporter is offering to match every dollar you contribute, so your support will be doubled. 
You might have already signed our petition against the Nuclear and Coal Bailout (if you haven’t, just click here)—that’s a great start!

But here’s the thing: we need to reach thousands more people, to make sure they know about Trump’s plans and can take action to stop it. We ask that you make a contribution to support the campaign, so we can reach more people like yourself. We also hope you will tell your friends about the petition, as well as this crowdfunding effort. 
The good news is, some generous donors have offered to match every donation, no matter how big or small, to help us get there. For every dollar you and your friends give, another donor will match it.

Thanks for taking the time to learn about our campaign and for whatever support you can give.

For a Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free World!
The NIRS TeamJasmine Bright – Communications Specialist
Diane D’Arrigo – Radioactive Waste Project Director
Lyn Griffith Taylor – Energy Democracy Specialist
Denise Jakobsberg – Administrative Coordinator
Tim Judson – Executive Director
Mary Olson – Director, NIRS Southeast
Don't Let #DirtyEnergy Trump the Climate

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Join Elizabeth Warren & Stop The GOP From Destroying Health Care

We need to defend the ACA from Republicans in Washington who want to sabotage health care for millions of Americans.

Add Your Name To Join The Fight

Join Elizabeth Warren & Stop The GOP From Destroying Health Care

Monday, July 17, 2017

Save Bristol Bay –Tell EPA that Bristol Bay is too special for Pebble Mine!

Tell them Bristol Bay is too special for Pebble Mine

petition: SIGN NOW

Action Alert
EPA COMMENT PERIOD OPEN: Tell them Bristol Bay, Alaska is too important to risk
The EPA is trying to pave the way for Pebble - a mining company that wants to build a massive open pit mine in Bristol Bay, Alaska near some of our nation's most precious waters. The agency has proposed to erase protections that over a million Americans supported.

Please add your voice to the official EPA comment period and, if you are in Alaska, tell your decision makers in Congress that Pebble Mine is the wrong mine, in the wrong place.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Save Bristol Bay – Tell EPA that Bristol Bay is too special for Pebble Mine!

Tell them Bristol Bay is too special for Pebble Mine

Day of Action to Defend Net Neutrality Sweeps the Internet | Democracy Now! | PETITIONS

Nearly 70,000 websites and organizations are slated to take part in a massive day of action today aimed at saving net neutrality. Participating websites are displaying messages on their homepages and encouraging users to take action to save the internet as we know it. Supporters of the day of action include internet giants such as Twitter, Amazon, Facebook, Google and Reddit. Earlier this year, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai outlined his plan to dismantle net neutrality rules, despite polling that shows most Americans support a free and open internet. – Day of Action to Defend Net Neutrality Sweeps the Internet | Democracy Now!


Join the Battle for Net Neutrality

Save The Open Internet - Internet Association


More than 40 ISPs Across the Country Tell Chairman Pai to Not Repeal Network Neutrality and Maintain Title II Enforcement | Electronic Frontier Foundation

UN Passes Nuclear Weapons Ban Dr. Gordon Edwards on Canada’s Nuclear Waste Insanity – Nuclear Hotseat #316

Dr. Gordon Edwards on Canada's #ChalkRiver proposed/planned #Nuclear waste megadump upriver from Ottawa, Quebec drinking water supply. Heidi Hutner of Stony Brook calls #NuclearHotseat from inside the #UN minutes after passage of the Nuclear Weapons Ban! Historic audio!

Sign up for free weekly Nuclear Hotseat email with link to the latest show at

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#Nuclear #NuclearDiseases #NuclearReactor #Radiation #Fukushima #NRC #NuclearRegulatoryCommission #Radioactive #Cancer #IAEA #UNSCEAR #WHO #ThreeMileIsland #WestLakeLandfill #NuclearBomb, #Hanford #NuclearBan

Nuclear, Nuclear Diseases, Nuclear Reactor, Radiation, Fukushima, NRC, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Radioactive, Cancer, IAEA, UNSCEAR, WHO, Three Mile Island, West Lake Landfill, Nuclear Bomb, San Onofre, West Lake Landfill, Hanford
LISTEN NOW: UN Passes Nuclear Weapons Ban Dr. Gordon Edwards on Canada’s Nuclear Waste Insanity – Nuclear Hotseat #316

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Amazonians at United Nations: Chinese Oil Company Will Cause Genocide | event in SF on July 14

May 1, 2017 (New York) – After marching with Leonardo DiCaprio in the Peoples’ Climate March on Saturday in Washington DC, Amazonian leaders headed to the United Nations today to denounce that the Chinese oil company Andes Petroleum will cause genocide against the Sapara Nation and uncontacted indigenous peoples if it drills in their ancestral territory in the Ecuadorian rainforest. “Andes Petroleum is posed to commit genocide against the Sapara People and the uncontacted peoples who are our neighbors.” declared Manari Ushigua, President of the Sapara Nation. “Andes Petroleum must cancel the contract immediately and Ecuador must desist from any other form of resources extraction because it threatens our survival.”
“Andes Petroleum will have the blood of my people on their hands if it does not stay out of my sacred rainforest,” said Gloria Ushigua, President of the Sapara Women’s Association Ashiñwaka.  Ms. Ushigua has received so many death threats for defending the Amazon from oil drilling that she recently threw away her cell phone…

more: Amazonians at United Nations Announce Chinese Oil Company Will Cause Genocide | Indigenous Environmental Network
EVENT in SF on 14 JULY – Defend the Sapara People | China out of the Amazon! Stop Oil Drilling in the Amazon « Keep It in the Ground INFO :::::: Solidarity and Visibility Action and Letter Delivery Friday, July 14, 2017 • 8:30-9:30am Sharp! Chinese Consulate • 1450 Laguna St, (cross street Geary) San Francisco, CA 94115