Tuesday, January 31, 2012

It's baaaack! Help us kill the tar sands pipeline... again.

Congressional Republicans refuse to let the tar sands pipeline die.

Tar Sands - Oil Sands - Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline | Save BioGems

President Obama, stop the Tar Sands oil pipeline

Oil companies are strip mining Canada's Boreal Forest in order to extract the world's dirtiest form of oil.

The proposed Keystone XL pipeline would transport raw, toxic tar sands oil right through the American heartland — from Alberta, Canada to refineries in Texas — and threatens to wreak environmental havoc on both sides of the border.

They keep raising the Keystone XL from the dead -- like a zombie -- to terrorize America over and over again.

January 31, 2012: Just two weeks after President Obama stood his ground and killed the permit for this environmental nightmare, Republicans on Capitol Hill are now threatening to hold key legislation hostage unless Big Oil gets to run a river of the world’s dirtiest oil through our nation’s heartland.

Tell your members of Congress to reject all attempts to force approval of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline by attaching it to the payroll tax bill, the transportation bill or any other unrelated legislation.

It’s no surprise that this monstrously destructive project keeps stalking America.

It is getting re-animated -- over and over -- by senators and representatives who have taken down millions in campaign contributions from the oil giants.

If they succeed, the Keystone XL will deliver billions in profits to Big Oil while you and I get stuck with poisoned water, contaminated land and an overheated planet.

And despite the oil lobby’s propaganda, this fossil fuel boondoggle will raise oil prices in the Midwest and could actually kill more jobs than it creates!

Tell Congress to let the Keystone XL pipeline die a merciful death. And please tell them today. The pressure is on right now.

Stop the XL Pipeline!: Take Action!

Just two weeks after President Obama stood his ground and killed a permit for the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, Republican leaders in Congress are trying to force its approval by attaching it to the payroll tax bill and other unrelated legislation. Tell your senators and representative to stop holding our government hostage to the interests of Big Oil!

> Stop the XL Pipeline!: Take Action!: Save BioGems

Natural Resources Defense Council – The Earth’s Best Defense | NRDC | NRDC Save BioGems - Defend Wildlife and Wildlands

Republicans Tout Bill to Override Obama on Keystone Pipeline

Senate Republicans have announced plans to introduce legislation allowing Congress to approve the Keystone XL oil pipeline, despite President Obama’s rejection of the controversial project. An analysis by the Public Campaign Action Fund and 350.org found that the bill’s 44 co-sponsors have received a combined $22.3 million in campaign contributions from the oil and gas industry since 1989. One Democrat has joined the Republican effort: Joe Manchin of West Virginia. TransCanada, the company behind the $7 billion pipeline, spent $1.33 million on lobbying last year.

Democracy Now! | Headlines for January 31, 2012

see also

what next: Keystone XL | Republican Hostage Taking | Tar Sands
"the biggest global warming crime ever seen"

what next: Obama Rejects Keystone XL Pipeline | Prepare to Fight

Democracy Now! - Keystone XL page

Democracy Now! - Climate Change page

Democracy Now! - Oil & Gas page

Monday, January 30, 2012

More than one way to Occupy: #KeepYerToolboxFull | Davos | Oakland

At your local Occupation, you’ll find strange bedfellows indeed. Some are vegan but most are not. You’ll meet those passionately committed to non-violence and others just as fervent about militant direct action.

Every Occupation contains anarchists, socialists, communists, etc. but perhaps the largest contingent is made up of folks who have never contemplated such a label and for now, seek reforms in the current capitalist system (again: for now).

Under an umbrella as big as the 99% concept, all these groups intertwine and peacefully co-exist where you’d least expect it. This is why OWS continues to grow and why it needs all of us to bring our voices and our open minds into the mix.

"It needs all of us “striking at the root.”

more > More than one way to Occupy: #KeepYerToolboxFull | Project Censored

recent #occupy news - Davos | Oakland

#occupied | The Occupied Wall Street Journal

This week in Occupy, Mitt Romney got mic-checked, Davos was #occupied, the President co-opted Occupy language in his #SOTU address and Occupy Oakland’s attempt to transform an abandoned building into a community center ended with 400 arrests and sparked coast-to-coast solidarity marches.

#The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, was #occupied beginning on January 25 by activists and their igloos and yurts. They were aided by the mayor of Davos, Hans Peter Michel, who has been more welcoming toward protesters than his predecessors. Michel reportedly “cleared the parking lot, offered the protesters the use of a portable cabin and helped them build igloos.”


Three Ukrainian women went topless, braving the cold to draw attention to their message, which equated bankers with gangsters. Bloomberg News, of all outlets, covered the forum with the headline “Mega-Rich Occupy Davos as 0.01% Decry Income Gap,” noting that the word “inequality” appeared only once in the event’s 130-page program – in the title of a panel about art – despite the fact that the forum’s Global Risks 2012 report describes “severe income disparity” as the world’s top risk over the next 10 years.

#On Saturday, January 28, Occupy Oakland commenced with “Move-In Day,” an attempt to establish a more permanent collective by converting the long-abandoned Henry J. Kaiser Convention Center into a social and political gathering place. The occupation began with a march, and as it reached the convention center it was met by a phalanx of police, preventing anyone from entering. Accounts on the ground and videos capturing the action show police blockading and kettling protesters until night fell, some of whom beg through tears “I just wanna go home! Please let us go home!” 400 were arrested, including journalists, such as Susie Cagle from AlterNet and Gavin Aronsen from Mother Jones, who delivered a detailed account.

Oakland PD traps demonstrators outside a YMCA. Photo: Guerrilla News

#As usual, AlterNet reports, the corporate media relied on police accounts, which painted protesters run amok, while more accurate reporting came from the livestreamers embedded in the action. Filmmaker Brandon Jourdan captured the Battle of Oak Street, where police fired tear gas, rubber bullets, bean bag rounds and concussion grenades at demonstrators. In a press conference, Mayor Jean Quan blamed the violence on the demonstrators and suggested that those who’ve been arrested multiple times over the course of the Occupy movement be barred from the city of Oakland. She also reportedly doesn’t bother to notify arrested protesters that charges have been filed against them. How did a liberal mayor who once marched with protesters in defiance of police fall so far?

more > #occupied | The Occupied Wall Street Journal

Flash-grenades & tear-gas: 400 arrested at Occupy Oakland

Members of the Oakland Police Department shrouded in a cloud of tear gas put on gas masks during a confrontation with Occupy Oakland demonstrators near Oakland Museum of California in Oakland, California January 28, 2012 (Reuters / Stephen Lam), video uploaded on YouTube by brettnchls on 28 Jan 2012

Police in Oakland, California, have used tear-gas and flash-grenades as a 2,000-strong Occupy Oakland march turned violent, with some protesters claiming that rubber bullets were also fired into the crowd. At least 400 people were arrested.

Initially, authorities had said 200-300 people were detained. But later the figure was revised to over 400 arrests, reports Reuters citing the Oakland emergency operations center.

The demonstrators had attempted to take over vacant buildings to use as their headquarters, they also broke into City Hall and tried to occupy a YMCA. Police spokesman Jeff Thomason told media most of the arrests came around 8 pm local time. Police took many protesters into custody as they marched through the city's downtown area, with some entering a YMCA building.

Flash-grenades & tear-gas: 400 arrested at Occupy Oakland (PHOTOS, VIDEO) — RT

Occupy Oakland Responds to Oakland Police Repression, Demands Accounting of Brutal Tactics, and End to Disinformation

Occupy Oakland's building occupation, an act of civil disobedience, was disrupted by a brutal police response yesterday. Protesters were met with baton strikes, shot with rubber bullets, and exposed to tear gas along the route. Police immediately issued denials that tear gas was used; however, as many victims can attest, it was used freely and without regard to safety of the diverse crowd, which included families and children.

Later, in a subsequent attempt to Occupy an abandoned building in downtown Oakland, Oakland police arrested hundreds of demonstrators. Many were reported injured as police used batons to herd protesters into a kettle in front of the YMCA.

The OPD and City have issued several false claims that need to be rebutted. OPD claim that there was no tear gas used, a fabrication easily refuted by video shot by protesters. Police also claim that several officers were injured by protesters—again, there is absolutely no evidence of this claim, which is made at every demonstration and subsequently proven to be baseless. Protesters kettled in front of the YMCA, fled into the building, aided, at first by employees there. They did so to escape police, herding protesters against the walls of the building with baton-strikes. As always, police justify their actions by claiming that protesters attacked them or are a danger to others. But there are no reported injuries to police from protesters; a wedding party felt so unthreatened by Occupy Oakland, that it continued to have a reception in an art gallery in the plaza throughout the night.

City Administrator Deanna Santana and Police Chief Howard Jordan have made their intentions clear in the press statement released on Friday night. They intend to manipulate the law to intimidate protesters, implying that acts of civil disobedience and freedom of assembly are criminal, and targeting assumed leaders regularly with unannounced warrants for invented charges.

These actions from the OPD come at a time when the city of Oakland is laying off hundreds of workers, and following millions of wasted dollars in similar brutal police actions.
Residents of Oakland will not continue to stand for this behavior and Occupy Oakland is undeterred by such repression.

Occupy Oakland Responds to Oakland Police Repression, Demands Accounting of Brutal Tactics, and End to Disinformation

SOPA Opera

Plot twists evolve storyline in the great debate of online censorship


In a story Hollywood wishes were its own, the tumultuous battle surrounding SOPA and PIPA last week resulted in an inspiring, albeit brief, victory for users of the internet and the voting public at large. But at the awards party, while everyone was high-fiving and chugging Champagne, someone broke in and stole the civil liberties online users thought had been saved. Now, in our half-drunk party haze, we try to assess what just happened—and where we go from here.

Quick Plot Synopsis

Act I: After months of growing concern online and increasingly worrisome newspaper articles, Wikipedia, Reddit and dozens of other websites go "dark" Jan. 18 in protest of the antipiracy legislation they fear could "shut down the internet." This leads to national media coverage putting pressure on Capitol Hill to postpone both bills.

Act II: Literally at the same time, the U.S. government shows how this legislation would work—or, perhaps, demonstrates its redundancy—by shutting down file-transfer site Megaupload, which it deemed "responsible for massive worldwide online piracy of numerous types of copyrighted works." The Department of Justice announced the shutdown Jan. 19, and the next morning, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., announced he would postpone the vote on PIPA he was so desperately pushing for just one day prior.

Act III: This has yet to be fully written. Minutes after the Megaupload shutdown, hacker group Anonymous crashed sites of several organizations affiliated with the process, the FBI and the Department of Justice, as well as entertainment-industry groups like the MPAA and RIAA. But nobody knows what comes next. In a Lost-esque writing style, the script is given to the players with fresh ink. Maybe SOPA and PIPA will be amended to reflect public concern. Maybe they'll drop out of public eye and pass with little fanfare next month. Or maybe, with the shutdown of one of the world's largest copyright infringers, proponents and lobbyists will determine that legislation is unnecessary, garnering several upvotes and raking in karma points.

But on Capitol Hill, Mr. Smith does not always go to Washington...

more > SOPA Opera | Features | North Bay Bohemian

SOPA STRIKE - Largest online protest in history

"January 18th was unreal. Tech companies and users teamed up. Geeks took to the streets. Tens of millions of people who make the internet what it is joined together to defend their freedoms. The network defended itself. Whatever you call it, we changed the politics of interfering with the internet forever--there's no going back..."

Photo credit: @craigrcannon

Friday, January 27, 2012

Forests: Greenpeace | Brazil | Zero Deforestation

Protecting forests - Greenpeace

Greenpeace campaigns for forest protection because, without healthy, thriving forests, planet Earth cannot sustain life. As much as eighty per cent of the world's forests have been degraded or destroyed. Greenpeace is campaigning for zero deforestation by 2020 to protect what is left of these extraordinary ecosystems.

Evolving over millennia, tropical forests are one of the greatest storehouses of nature's diversity on Earth; of all of the world's land species, around two thirds live in forests. Many of these rare creatures - orang-utans, tigers, jaguars, forest elephants and rhinos - are increasingly threatened by extinction.

But the importance of forests stretches far beyond their own boundaries. Forests help to regulate the Earth's climate because they store nearly 300 billion tonnes of carbon in their living parts - roughly 40 times the annual greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels.

above photos © Greenpeace / Takeshi Mizukoshi | more

When they're destroyed through logging or burning, this carbon is released into the atmosphere as the climate changing greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide. The destruction of forests is responsible for up to a fifth of the world's greenhouse gas emissions - more than every plane, car, truck, ship and train on the planet combined.

Forests also regulate water flow and rainfall so we depend on them to grow our crops and food. The loss of forest in one part of the world can have severe impacts in another; forest loss in Amazonia and Central Africa can severely reduce rainfall in the USA Midwest, for example.

Man made fires to clear land for cattle or crops in Brazil.

With so many of the world's forests already destroyed, we urgently need to protect what is left. Yet industry is still relentlessly converting forests into disposable products that end up in our shopping baskets - while pushing species to the brink of extinction, destroying the lives and livelihoods of forest communities and exacerbating global climate change.

Greenpeace is campaigning for zero deforestation, globally, by 2020.

more > Forests | Greenpeace International

About Greenpeace | Greenpeace
Greenpeace is the largest independent direct-action environmental organization in the world.

We do not take money from government or corporations. Our only bottom line is a green and peaceful future.

Veto Brazil's Forest Code

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff can veto damaging changes to Brazil's Forest Code, which would weaken protections for the forest.

Dilma: save the Amazon, veto the new Forest Code

We are edging closer to an “ecological calamity” in the Amazon rainforest and a vote in the Brazilian Senate has pushed us closer to the brink. Yesterday it voted to approve destructive changes to the laws governing forest protection – called the Forest Code - that would open up the Amazon rainforest to rampant destruction. But it is not too late. Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff will have the opportunity to veto the changes - you can ask her to protect the Amazon and veto the new Forest Code.

Save the Amazon, veto the new Forest Code | Greenpeace International

ticking climate bomb

Tropical forest destruction is responsible for about one-fifth of current global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.Keeping the global temperature increase below 2ºC (compared to pre-industrial levels) means GHG emissions must peak by 2015 and by this time the world must be set on track for drastic reductions in overall emissions.Ending deforestation in tropical forests is critical to protecting the global climate, biodiversity and forest dependent communities. Eliminating deforestation in just eight tropical countries – Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Indonesia, Malaysia and Papua New Guinea – would nearly halve the annual rate of global forest loss.

The Climate Bomb is Ticking -- Call for Zero Deforestation to Protect the Climate | Greenpeace International - (contains link for DOCUMENT "the-climate-bomb-is-ticking.pdf"

Greenpeace 2011 in pics

2011 was the year the bottom shook the top, the year the ballerina danced on the bull, and "The Protestor" was named Time Magazine person of the year. The faces in our Year in Pictures pay testament and tribute to our contribution and to the benefit of standing up and taking action.

Year in Pictures 2011 | Greenpeace International

"Here at Greenpeace, bearing witness is one of our core principles. These multimedia photo-essays give a more in-depth look into just a few of the stories we've sent our photographers to cover."

Photo Essays | Greenpeace International: Bearing witness - photo stories and documentary from around the world.

Greenpeace Media

Greenpeace International | Home

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Navy Training Blasts Marine Mammals With Harmful Sonar

Wildlife Protection Agency Challenged for Not Doing Its Job

Low Frequency Active Sonar spectogram

SAN FRANCISCO— A coalition of conservation and American Indian groups today sued the National Marine Fisheries Service for failing to protect thousands of whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals and sea lions from U.S. Navy warfare training exercises along the coasts of California, Oregon and Washington.

Earthjustice, representing InterTribal Sinkyone Wilderness Council, Center for Biological Diversity, Friends of the Earth, Friends of the San Juans, Natural Resources Defense Council and People For Puget Sound, today filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the District of Northern California challenging the Fisheries Service’s approval of the Navy’s training activities in its Northwest Training Range Complex. The lawsuit calls on the agency to mitigate anticipated harm to marine mammals and biologically critical areas within the training range that stretches from Northern California to the Canadian border.

Navy Training Blasts Marine Mammals With Harmful Sonar | Center for Biological Diversity

Earthjustice: Environmental Law: Because the Earth Needs a Good Lawyer | Earthjustice

for more see what next: whales - PBS | US Navy | whale story

Spectrogram of Humpback Whale vocalizations

Gung Hay Fat Choy - The Dragon 2012


I am an unquenchable fire,
The center of all energy,
The stout heroic heart.
I am truth and light,
I hold power and glory in my sway.
My presence disperses dark clouds.
I have been chosen
To tame the Fates.


The festival begins on the first day of the first month in the traditional Chinese calendar (January 23 this year) and ends with Lantern Festival which is on the 15th day

23 January 2012 – 9 February 2013: Water Dragon
Dragon (zodiac) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chinese New Year is the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays. In China, it is known as "Spring Festival," the literal translation of the Chinese name 春節 (Pinyin: Chūnjié), since the spring season in Chinese calendar starts with lichun, the first solar term in a Chinese calendar year. It marks the end of the winter season, analogous to the Western Carnival. The festival begins on the first day of the first month (Chinese: 正月; pinyin: Zhēngyuè) in the traditional Chinese calendar and ends with Lantern Festival which is on the 15th day. Chinese New Year's Eve, a day where Chinese families gather for their annual reunion dinner, is known as Chúxī (除夕) or "Eve of the Passing Year." Because the Chinese calendar is lunisolar, the Chinese New Year is often referred to as the "Lunar New Year".

Chinese New Year is the longest and most important festivity in the Chinese calendar. The origin of Chinese New Year is itself centuries old and gains significance because of several myths and traditions. Chinese New Year is celebrated in countries and territories with significant Chinese populations, such as Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, and also in Chinatowns elsewhere. Chinese New Year is considered a major holiday for the Chinese and has had influence on the lunar new year celebrations of its geographic neighbors. These include Korean (Seollal), Bhutanese (Losar), and Vietnamese cultures.

Within China, regional customs and traditions concerning the celebration of the Chinese new year vary widely. People will pour out their money to buy presents, decoration, material, food, and clothing. It is also traditional for every family to thoroughly cleanse the house, in order to sweep away any ill-fortune and to make way for good incoming luck. Windows and doors will be decorated with red colour paper-cuts and couplets with popular themes of "good fortune" or "happiness", "wealth", and "longevity". On the Eve of Chinese New Year, supper is a feast with families. Food will include such items as pigs, ducks, chicken and sweet delicacies. The family will end the night with firecrackers. Early the next morning, children will greet their parents by wishing them a healthy and happy new year, and receive money in red paper envelopes. The Chinese New Year tradition is to reconcile, forget all grudges and sincerely wish peace and happiness for everyone.

Although the Chinese calendar traditionally does not use continuously numbered years, outside China its years are often numbered from the reign of the Yellow Emperor. But at least three different years numbered 1 are now used by various scholars, making the year beginning in AD 2012 the "Chinese Year" 4710, 4709, or 4649.

Chinese New Year - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Solar Activity - Solar Flares & Radiation

sun unleashes mass coronal ejection and blasts earth with radiation

JANUARY 19, 2012

An active region on the Sun unleashed two blasts in quick succession (Jan. 19, 2012), which have sent particle clouds headed towards Earth. The images combine the wider field of view from SOHO's C2 coronagraph with the Sun itself as seen in extreme UV light by Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). The initial burst above the Sun is from the far side of the Sun and not headed our way. The next two bursts, one quickly following the other, are from the bright active region seen near the 10 o'clock position. A series of coronal loops rise up above the active region after these events. The impact on the geomagnetic storm Earth may cause some bright auroras. The video covers about 24 hours of activity.

visit page for video <<< link will need to be updated beacause it is "pick of the week"

> SOHO Pick of The Week

see also

ESA Portal - Solar storm heading toward Earth

contains a great flash loop showing events january 20-23 including a dramatic particle storm at the end
(The end of the movie shows the interference caused by the onslaught of fast, energetic solar particles emitted from the sun.)

M8.7 class solar flare
January 22, 2012

M8.7 Close-Up
This closeup still of the January 22, 2012, M8.7 class solar flare was taken by the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) in 304 angstrom. An earth-directed coronal mass ejection (CME) accompanied the flare. Credit: NASA/SDO

solar energetic particle" event

Solar Dynamics Observatory captured the flare, shown here in teal as that is the color typically used to show light in the 131 Angstrom wavelength, a wavelength in which it is easy to view solar flares. The flare began at 10:38 PM ET on Jan. 22, peaked at 10:59 PM and ended at 11:34 PM. Credit: NASA/SDO/AIA | go to page for video

The sun erupted late on January 22, 2012 with an M8.7 class flare, an earth-directed coronal mass ejection (CME), and a burst of fast moving, highly energetic protons known as a "solar energetic particle" event. The latter has caused the strongest solar radiation storm since September 2005 according to NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center.

NASA's Goddard Space Weather Center's models predict that the CME is moving at almost 1,400 miles per second, and could reach Earth's magnetosphere – the magnetic envelope that surrounds Earth -- as early as tomorrow, Jan 24 at 9 AM ET (plus or minus 7 hours). This has the potential to provide good auroral displays, possibly at lower latitudes than normal.

NASA - M8.7 Solar Flare and Earth Directed CME

earth directed coronal mass ejection arrives
January 24, 2012

The coronal mass ejection (CME) collided with Earth's magnetic field a little after 10 AM ET on January 24, 2012. The influx of particles from the CME amplified the solar radiation storm such that it is now considered the largest since October 2003. NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center has categorized it as a "strong" -- or S3 (with S5 being the highest) – storm. Solar radiation storms can affect satellite operations and short wave radio propagation, but cannot harm humans on Earth. Auroras may well be visible tonight at higher latitudes such as Michigan and Maine in the U.S., and perhaps even lower.

This closeup of the January 22, 2012, M8.7 class solar flare was taken by the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) in 304 angstrom. An earth-directed coronal mass ejection (CME) accompanied the flare.

Space Weather Alerts and Warnings Timeline

jan 20 - 25, 2011

NASA's Cosmicopia -
- Sun - Solar Activity - Solar Flares

A solar flare is an enormous explosion in the solar atmosphere. It results in sudden bursts of particle acceleration, heating of plasma to tens of millions of degrees, and the eruption of large amounts of solar mass. Flares are believed to result from the abrupt release of the energy stored in magnetic fields in the zone around sunspots.
There are two types of flares: impulsive and gradual. Impulsive flares accelerate mostly electrons, with some protons. They last minutes or hours and the majority appear near the solar equator. Impulsive flares occur at a rate of about 1000 per year during solar maximum.

Gradual flares accelerate electrons, protons, and heavy ions to near the speed of light, and the events tend to last for days. They occur mainly near the poles of the Sun and happen about 100 times per year.

This acceleration of solar flare particles to extremely high energies involves all the different elements in the solar atmosphere. Ions of elements such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, neon, magnesium, silicon, and iron, excited in this way, end up in solar cosmic rays, also called solar energetic particles (SEPs)...

new solar cycle ramping up

This artist concept shows the interaction between the sun and Earth's magnetosphere. The magnetosphere deflects most solar and cosmic radiation, but lets more in at the poles. Credit: NASA

Radiation constantly bombards the Earth, from the sun and in the form of cosmic background radiation from the universe at large. A magnetic field originating deep within the planet surrounds the Earth, deflecting much of the radiation. At the poles, however, radiation has an opening to the planet's atmosphere. People on the ground are safe from this radiation, but are subject to more hazardous levels at the altitude where jets fly.

The new solar cycle is ramping up. This image from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows the sun emitting its first X-class flare in more than four years Feb. 14, 2011. X-class flares are the most powerful of all solar events and can trigger radio blackouts and long-lasting radiation storms. This particular flare comes on the heels of a several other recent flares. Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

NASA - Thousand-fold Rise in Polar Flights Hikes Radiation Risk

Space Weather Alerts

NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center | Space Weather Alerts from SWPC

2012-01-25 21:00 Conditions Now Trending Back Towards Normal

After the arrival of a CME yesterday and the subsequent activity which ensued, conditions are now beginning to trend back towards quiet levels. We are continuing to monitor the source region that produced this week's activity as it moves to rotate off the visible disk of the sun in the next few days. For more information, you can also follow us on Facebook.

Today's Space Weather

3-day Solar-Geophysical Forecast issued Jan 25 22:00 UTC

Solar Activity Forecast
Solar activity is expected to be very low to low during the period (26 - 28 January). A chance for M-class activity exists on 26 - 27 January from Regions 1401 and 1402 before they rotate around the west limb.

Geophysical Activity Forecast
The geomagnetic field is expected to be at mostly quiet levels on day one (26 January). By day two (27 January) and through day three (28 January), field activity is expected to increase to quiet to unsettled levels with isolated active periods. This increase in activity is due to a recurrent coronal hole high speed stream expected to move into a geoeffective position. The greater than 10 MeV proton flux event is expected to remain above event levels through 26 January, falling to background levels by 27 January.

what if i was an astronaut?

solar protons accelerated to nearly light speed by the explosion reach the Earth-Moon system minutes after the flare--the beginning of a days-long proton storm

Newt’s Moon Colony A Hit In Florida’s Space Coast

January 25, 2012: Newt Gingrich, courting voters in Florida’s NASA-heavy “Space Coast,” pledged to build an American lunar colony within eight years if elected president.

“By the end of my second term we will have the first permanent base on the moon and it will be American,” he said. According to Gingrich, the base would be used for “science, tourism, and manufacturing” and create a “robust industry” that would grow “precisely on the model of the airlines in the 1930s.”

The speech was a direct challenge to Mitt Romney, who has accused Gingrich of favoring big government with his past proposals for lunar exploration and colonization.

January, 2005: The biggest solar proton storm in 15 years erupted last week. NASA researchers discuss what it might have done to someone on the Moon.

NASA is returning to the Moon--not just robots, but people. In the decades ahead we can expect to see habitats, greenhouses and power stations up there. Astronauts will be out among the moondust and craters, exploring, prospecting, building.

Last week, though, there were no humans walking around on the Moon.

Good thing.

On January 20th, 2005, a giant sunspot named "NOAA 720" exploded. The blast sparked an X-class solar flare, the most powerful kind, and hurled a billion-ton cloud of electrified gas (a "coronal mass ejection") into space. Solar protons accelerated to nearly light speed by the explosion reached the Earth-Moon system minutes after the flare--the beginning of a days-long "proton storm."

Here on Earth, no one suffered. Our planet's thick atmosphere and magnetic field protects us from protons and other forms of solar radiation. In fact, the storm was good. When the plodding coronal mass ejection arrived 36 hours later and hit Earth's magnetic field, sky watchers in Europe saw the brightest and prettiest auroras in years: gallery.

The Moon is a different story.

"The Moon is totally exposed to solar flares," explains solar physicist David Hathaway of the Marshall Space Flight Center. "It has no atmosphere or magnetic field to deflect radiation." Protons rushing at the Moon simply hit the ground--or whoever might be walking around outside.

more > Sickening Solar Flares - NASA Science

Oceans, Whales & Seafood | Greenpeace

Help protect marine life

Greenpeace Oceans Campaign

All around the world, our oceans are in crisis. Three quarters of global fish stocks are suffering from overfishing and 90% of top marine predators are already gone.

Destructive fishing practices destroy critical ocean habitats, pirate fishing harms global fish stocks and as the ocean becomes more vulnerable—it will succumb more quickly to the harmful effects of global warming.

Whale slaughter continues to put endangered species at risk and pollution from land-based sources is turning the oceans into a dumping ground.

Ocean advocates must work harder than ever to chart a new, sustainable course for the oceans before it’s too late. Over the next three years Greenpeace will:
1. Continue to change seafood choices made at a wholesale level by working with supermarket retailers to make sustainable seafood the only choice available.

2. Convince governments and the United Nations that marine reserves are critical to the oceans' future—especially to advocate for setting aside 40% of the world’s oceans as marine reserves.

3. Ensure that the Obama administration uses their diplomatic leverage to close the loopholes and end all commercial whaling.

We’ve made significant progress to turn the tide towards ocean conservation, but a lot more needs to be done in a short time. By working together, we can save the oceans.

What we focus on

Whale Defenders

A few countries, namely Japan, Norway and Iceland, continue to ignore a 1986 moratorium on commercial whaling—every year they kill thousands of whales to feed a black market of illegal whale meat.

For more than 40 years Greenpeace has been at the forefront of this evolving fight to end this needless slaughter of one the most magnificent creatures on the planet. Read more

Bering Witness

The waters of the Bering Sea-—between Alaska and Russia— are a rich marine environment that’s home to a diverse array of wildlife. Polar bears, seals, sea lions, walruses, whales and millions of seabirds make their home here.

The Bering Sea is also one of the most productive fishing spots in the world. But, the fragile ecosystem cannot sustain this level of commercial fishing without paying a price.


The problems taxing the ocean resources translate directly into what's available at the seafood counter. As consumers demand for fish grows, destructive fishing and aquaculture continues to increase to meet the demand.

Marine Reserves

In order to protect the world’s oceans, portions have to be left alone. That’s where marine reserves come into the picture. A marine reserve is like putting a giant “Do Not Disturb” sign around an area of the ocean. These protected areas are so important to the future of our oceans—giving wildlife a safe haven free from danger.

Wildlife Facts

Our oceans are home to some of the most magnificent and unusual creatures on Earth. In the beautiful waters surrounding the Hawaiian Islands, many species from around the globe congregate, while some species exist here, and nowhere else on Earth. Discover for yourself the wonders that lie beneath the surface.


Tuna is one of the world's favorite fish. It provides a critical part of the diet for millions of people, as well as being at the core of the world's luxury sashimi markets. But, did you know that globally tuna stocks are under threat?

Our appetite for tuna is pushing the fish closer and closer to extinction. As more and more people consume tuna there has been a surge in the number and capacity of tuna-fishing vessels across the world.

Oceans Reports

A breakdown of ocean related reports, publications, images and news.

Oceans, Whales & Seafood. Help protect marine life | Greenpeace

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Django Reinhardt & Stephane Grappelli

Jazz Hot Complete

Django Reinhardt - Stephane Grappelli - Jazz Hot Complete
Django Reinhardt - Stephane Grappelli - Jazz Hot Complete
Bassist Louis Vola, and rhythm guitarists Roger Chaput and Joseph Reinhardt (Django's brother)

Grappelli Plays "How High The Moon"

Stephane Grappelli Plays "How High The Moon"
Rare Live in Warsaw 1991 No Need to further describe anymore about Grappelli simply good tune & well played. Always reminds me what a musician should play and could play on stage

Django Reinhardt

Portrait of Django Reinhardt, Aquarium, New York, N.Y. | c. November 1946 | William P. Gottlieb

Django Reinhardt (23 January 1910 – 16 May 1953) was a pioneering virtuoso jazz guitarist and composer who invented an entirely new style of jazz guitar technique (sometimes called 'hot' jazz guitar) that has since become a living musical tradition within Belgian gypsy culture. With violinist Stéphane Grappelli, he co-founded the Quintette du Hot Club de France, described by critic Thom Jurek as "one of the most original bands in the history of recorded jazz." Reinhardt's most popular compositions have become jazz standards, including "Minor Swing", "Daphne", "Belleville", "Djangology", "Swing '42", and "Nuages".

Django Reinhardt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Quintette of the Hot Club of France - 1934. Left to Right: Stéphane Grappelli, Roger Chaput, Louis Vola, Django Reinhardt, Bert Marshall, Joseph Reinhardt.

Django Reinhardt has astounded and thrilled numerous generations of guitar players and jazz lovers with his amazing command of the guitar. January 24th, 1910 at Liberchies Belgium, Django was born into the open air, rambling lifestyle of his gypsy parents. At the age of eight, his mother's tribe settled near the belt of fortifications that surrounded the old Paris, near the Choisy gate. He never wore a suit or lived in a real house until he was twenty years old. These French Gypsies or Manouches were a world unto themselves, medieval in their beliefs, and distrustful of modern science. Django grew up in this world of contradictions, one foot in the bustling big city of Paris and the other in the age-old life of the nomadic gypsy. Though born into poverty Django had the soul of a nobleman and this natural elegance of bearing and attitude expressed itself in his music.

more > Django Reinhardt by Joseph Dinkins | The Red Hot Jazz Archive - A History of Jazz Before 1930

Django Reinhardt was the first hugely influential jazz figure to emerge from Europe -- and he remains the most influential European to this day, with possible competition from Joe Zawinul, George Shearing, John McLaughlin, his old cohort Stephane Grappelli and a bare handful of others. A free-spirited gypsy, Reinhardt wasn't the most reliable person in the world, frequently wandering off into the countryside on a whim. Yet Reinhardt came up with a unique way of propelling the humble acoustic guitar into the front line of a jazz combo in the days before amplification became widespread. He would spin joyous, arcing, marvelously inflected solos above the thrumming base of two rhythm guitars and a bass, with Grappelli's elegantly gliding violin serving as the perfect foil. His harmonic concepts were startling for their time -- making a direct impression upon Charlie Christian and Les Paul, among others -- and he was an energizing rhythm guitarist behind Grappelli, pushing their groups into a higher gear. Not only did Reinhardt put his stamp upon jazz, his string band music also had an impact upon the parallel development of Western swing, which eventually fed into the wellspring of what is now called country music. Although he could not read music, with Grappelli and on his own, Reinhardt composed several winsome, highly original tunes like "Daphne," "Nuages" and "Manoir de Mes Reves," as well as mad swingers like "Minor Swing" and the ode to his record label of the '30s, "Stomping at Decca." As the late Ralph Gleason said about Django's recordings, "They were European and they were French and they were still jazz."

Django Reinhardt - Djangology: Django play his tune "Djangology" - Released in 1935

A violinist first and a guitarist later, Jean Baptiste "Django" Reinhardt grew up in a gypsy camp near Paris where he absorbed the gypsy strain into his music. A disastrous caravan fire in 1928 badly burned his left hand, depriving him of the use of the fourth and fifth fingers, but the resourceful Reinhardt figured out a novel fingering system to get around the problem that probably accounts for some of the originality of his style. According to one story, during his recovery period, Reinhardt was introduced to American jazz when he found a 78 RPM disc of Louis Armstrong's "Dallas Blues" at an Orleans flea market. He then resumed his career playing in Parisian cafes until one day in 1934 when Hot Club chief Pierre Nourry proposed the idea of an all-string band to Reinhardt and Grappelli. Thus was born the Quintet of the Hot Club of France, which quickly became an international draw thanks to a long, splendid series of Ultraphone, Decca and HMV recordings.

The outbreak of war in 1939 broke up the Quintette, with Grappelli remaining in London where the group was playing and Reinhardt returning to France. During the war years, he led a big band, another quintet with clarinetist Hubert Rostaing in place of Grappelli, and after the liberation of Paris, recorded with such visiting American jazzmen as Mel Powell, Peanuts Hucko and Ray McKinley. In 1946, Reinhardt took up the electric guitar and toured America as a soloist with the Duke Ellington band but his appearances were poorly received. Some of his recordings on electric guitar late in his life are bop escapades where his playing sounds frantic and jagged, a world apart from the jubilant swing of old. However, starting in Jan. 1946, Reinhardt and Grappelli held several sporadic reunions where the bop influences are more subtly integrated into the old, still-fizzing swing format. In the 1950s, Reinhardt became more reclusive, remaining in Europe, playing and recording now and then until his death from a stroke in 1953. His Hot Club recordings from the `30s are his most irresistible legacy; their spirit and sound can be felt in current groups like Holland's Rosenberg Trio. ~ Richard S. Ginell, Rovi

> YouTube Mix for Django Reinhardt

electric Django

Django Reinhardt - Honeysuckle Rose
Django with his electric guitar and Duke Ellington.. The best version of Django, at the end of his career..

Stephane Grappelli

Grappelli in 1976, by Allan Warren

One of the all-time great jazz violinists (ranking with Joe Venuti and Stuff Smith as one of the big three of pre-bop), Stéphane Grappelli's longevity and consistently enthusiastic playing did a great deal to establish the violin as a jazz instrument. He was originally self-taught as both a violinist and a pianist, although during 1924-28 he studied at the Paris Conservatoire. Grappelli played in movie theaters and dance bands before meeting guitarist Django Reinhardt in 1933. They hit it off musically from the start even though their lifestyles (Grappelli was sophisticated while Django was a gypsy) were very different. Together as Quintet of the Hot Club of France (comprised of violin, three acoustic guitars and bass) during 1933-39 they produced a sensational series of recordings and performances. During a London engagement in 1939, World War II broke out. Reinhardt rashly decided to return to France but Grappelli stayed in England, effectively ending the group. The violinist soon teamed up with the young pianist George Shearing in a new band that worked steadily through the war. In 1946, Grappelli and Reinhardt had the first of several reunions although they never worked together again on a regular basis (despite many new recordings). Grappelli performed throughout the 1950s and '60s in clubs throughout Europe and, other than recordings with Duke Ellington (Violin Summit) and Joe Venuti, he remained somewhat obscure in the U.S. until he began regularly touring the world in the early '70s. Since then Grappelli has been a constant traveler and a consistent poll-winner, remaining very open-minded without altering his swing style; he has recorded with David Grisman, Earl Hines, Bill Coleman, Larry Coryell, Oscar Peterson, Jean Luc Ponty and McCoy Tyner among many others. Active up until near the end, the increasingly frail Grappelli remained at the top of his field even when he was 89. His early recordings are all available on Classics CDs and he recorded quite extensively during his final three decades. ~ Scott Yanow, Rovi

YouTube Mix for Stéphane Grappelli

though aware of Django, it was while Grapelli was playing with David Grisman that i first became aware of this virtuoso

Stephane Grappelli/David Grisman Live is an album by musicians David Grisman and Stephane Grappelli, released in 1981. It was recorded live on September 20, 1979 at Berklee center, Boston.

Stephane Grappelli & David Grisman - Medley- a) Tzigani; b) Fisztorza; c) Fulginti.

Stephane Grappelli and David Grisman-shine..wmv
"Recorded live at The Berklee College of Music, summer of '79, this musical duo is so hot they burn. In the great style of Django Reinhardt! Unreal."

Stéphane Grappelli (26 January 1908 – 1 December 1997) was a French jazz violinist who founded the Quintette du Hot Club de France with guitarist Django Reinhardt in 1934. It was one of the first all-string jazz bands.

Grappelli was born in Paris, France, to Italian/French parents: his Italian father, marquess Ernesto Grappelli, was born in Alatri, Lazio. His French mother, Anna Emilie Hanoque, from St-Omer, died when he was four, and his father left to fight in World War I. As a result, at six, he was accepted into Isadora Duncan's dance school, where he learnt to love French Impressionist music. Grappelli started his musical career busking on the streets of Paris and Montmartre with a violin. He began playing the violin at age 12 and attended the Conservatoire de Paris studying music theory (1924-28). He made a living busking on the side until he gained fame in Paris as a violin virtuoso. He also worked as a silent film pianist while at the conservatory and played the saxophone and accordion. Grappelli called his piano "My Other Love" and (many years later) released an album of solo piano of the same name...

His early fame came playing with the Quintette du Hot Club de France with Django Reinhardt, which disbanded in 1939 at the outbreak of World War II. In 1940, a little-known jazz pianist by the name of George Shearing made his debut as a sideman in Grappelli's band. Shearing went on to a enjoy long career.

Stéphane Grappelli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Monday, January 23, 2012

Extreme Ice | NOVA

Extreme Ice

Watch Extreme Ice on PBS. See more from NOVA.

Follow photojournalist James Balog to some of the most remote and beautiful places on Earth as he documents the disappearance of an icy landscape that took thousands of years to form. An artist, scientist, explorer, and former mountain guide, Balog braves treacherous terrain to site his cameras in ideal locations to record the unfolding drama. Remarkable time-lapse footage reveals massive glaciers and ice sheets splitting apart, collapsing, and disappearing at a rate that has scientists alarmed. This NOVA-National Geographic Television special investigates the latest evidence of a radically warming planet.

NOVA | Extreme Ice

Secrets Beneath the Ice

Watch Secrets Beneath the Ice on PBS. See more from NOVA.

Is Antarctica headed for a catastrophic meltdown? New evidence of ancient climate change may hold clues.

Almost three miles of ice buries most of Antarctica, cloaking a continent half again as large as the United States. But when an Antarctic ice shelf the size of Manhattan collapsed in less than a month in 2002, it shocked scientists and raised the alarming possibility that Antarctica may be headed for a meltdown. Even a 10 percent loss of Antarctica's ice would cause catastrophic flooding of coastal cities unlike any seen before in human history. What are the chances of a widespread melt? "Secrets Beneath the Ice" explores whether Antarctica's climate past can offer clues to what may happen. NOVA follows a state-of-the-art expedition that is drilling three-quarters of a mile into the Antarctic seafloor. The drill is recovering rock cores that reveal intimate details of climate and fauna from a time in the distant past when the Earth was just a few degrees warmer than it is today. As researchers grapple with the harshest conditions on the planet, they discover astonishing new clues about Antarctica's past—clues that carry ominous implications for coastal cities around the globe.

NOVA | Secrets Beneath the Ice

On Thin Ice in the Bering Sea

In this series of video stories, explore the past and future of the fast-changing Bering Sea region, its culture and people, and the new polar science that is emerging from an expedition on board the Coast Guard cutter Healy.

PART 1: Polar Science and Yup'ik Culture
"The Healy is really a science machine... We have people studying everything from whales to walruses."

PART 2: Science and Subsistence
"Most of the hunters spend a lot of time observing the weather, the ice conditions, the water currents. This information is going to save your own life, or somebody else's life."

PART 3: Hot Spots and Cold Patches
"The Bering Sea is warming. What we are trying to do is understand how this system, which is shallow, it's vulnerable, how it is going to respond and change."

PART 4: Bering Sea Harvest
"We may not have sea ice whatsoever—potentially in the next couple decades... That is in our lifetime."

> Watch: NOVA | Extreme Ice | On Thin Ice in the Bering Sea | PBS

If Polar Ice Vanished

What would happen if all of Greenland’s ice or all of Antarctica’s ice melted? Nobody expects this anytime soon, but as a kind of visual thought experiment, the late Bill Haxby of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University graphically depicted how the coastlines of four regions—the mid-Atlantic U.S., the state of Florida, northern Europe, and Southeast Asia—might change if the planet's seas rose 17 feet or 170 feet. (These are conservative estimates for how much seas would rise with the melting of all of Greenland’s or Antarctica’s ice, respectively.) For comparison, Haxby also showed how the same coastlines would have looked 20,000 years ago at the height of the Ice Age, when sea levels were some 400 feet lower than they are today.

NOVA | If Polar Ice Vanished

NOVA | Extreme Ice: Expert Q&A

Jim White, Director of INSTAAR, the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research at University of Colorado, Boulder, answers questions about the speeded-up melting of glaciers and ice sheets now occurring worldwide, the possible consequences for the natural and human worlds, and more.

see also

what next: Global warming



STORIES FROM THE GULF: Living with the Oil Disaster

A half-hour documentary that explores the impact of America's worst oil disaster on Gulf Coast residents, using stunning original photography and audio interviews produced by NRDC and Bridge the Gulf, and recorded by StoryCorps.

Stories from the Gulf premiered on Discovery Planet Green on April 23, 2011.

NRDCflix's Channele
Natural Resources Defense Council – The Earth’s Best Defense | NRDC | NRDC Save BioGems - Defend Wildlife and Wildlands

Bridge The Gulf Project

"What challenges do you face that are shared throughout the Gulf Coast region? What are your hopes for the future?"

Bridge the Gulf is a storytelling initiative promoting cultural survival, environmental justice, and sustainable development in Gulf Coast communities.

BRIDGE THE GULF is a citizen journalism and new-media initiative designed to help Gulf Coast communities convey their stories and their vision for a just, healthy and sustainable future.

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, many endangered Gulf Coast communities felt their stories had been overlooked or misrepresented. With funding from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, this beta Website was launched in the summer of 2010.

The video below about the origins of BRIDGE THE GULF was created by the Producers Institute for New Media Technologies.

Bridge The Gulf from Leah on Vimeo.


• Provide a shared forum for ideas and conversations among Gulf Coast community leaders, activists and organizations.

• Support grassroots participation by inviting diverse Gulf Coast voices to contribute to the blog, providing mentorship and technical assistance to aspiring citizen journalists through a Media Fellows program and partnerships with organizations that provide training.

• Build partnerships with independent media makers with a commitment to documenting the realities faced by Gulf Coast communities.

• Educate mainstream media and provide a compelling collective portrait of a vital regional community that shares values of citizen leadership, sustainability and ecological health.

• Educate American citizens and policy makers by putting a human face on complex challenges; demonstrate that positive change is taking place; and raise expectations for what can be accomplished.

BRIDGE THE GULF is a partnership between media makers and Gulf Coast citizen leaders. A filmmaker who has been working since 2001 on a documentary about the Mississippi Gulf Coast community of Turkey Creek, has been coordinating the project. The Gulf Coast Fund for Community Renewal and Ecological Health is a primary partner, connecting the project to a network of community advisors and 200 grantee organizations.

More than 20 blog Contributors representing a variety of Gulf Coast issues provide commentary, photo essays and videos. BRIDGE THE GULF Media Fellows create original content for the Website (blog posts, videos, photography), recruit new Contributors to the blog, provide Contributors with training and mentorship, build and maintain partnerships, and help evaluate and improve the project at all levels. Contributing filmmakers have conducted interviews and created short documentaries with citizen leaders across the coast. A collaboration with the Natural Resources Defense Council and StoryCorps produced "Stories from the Gulf,"a series of interviews and photo essays about citizens impacted by the BP oil disaster. A compilation of these was screened at the Environmental Film Festival in Washington, D.C. All of the videos can be found on a Story Map of the Gulf Coast.

We know Bridge the Gulf will grow and improve with your contributions and ideas. If you have suggestions about the site please send an email to us at the address below.

Thank you for your interest and please support the project by contributing your story or spreading the word within your community!

Stories from the Gulf

In October 2010, Bridge the Gulf partnered with StoryCorps and NRDC to record, share, and preserve the stories and experiences of people living through the BP oil disaster.

"If this whole environment gets demolished, what good is a boat? It survived hurricanes; it survived Katrina; it survived Gustav; it survived many regulations, but it may not survive this BP thing."

more videos > StoryCorps: Stories from the Gulf | Bridge The Gulf Project

Bridge the Gulf Resources


News and Notes - Current information and commentary drawn from other Web sites including Gulf Restoration Network, Huffington Post and Louisiana Bucket Brigade.

Gulf Coast Fund Calendar - Important events for community organizations in the region.


Post-Katrina: Environmental and Social Justice Issues

Post Hurricane and BP Disaster - Recovery & Renewal

BP Disaster: Environmental and Social Justice Issues

BP Disaster: Seafood Safety


BAVC The Bay Area Video Coalition, or BAVC (pronounced “bay-vac”), is a nonprofit media arts center founded in 1976. BAVC's mission is to inspire social change by enabling the sharing of diverse stories through art, education and technology. The beta website for Bridge the Gulf was developed at the Producers Institute for New Media Technologies. BAVC.org

Witness is an international human rights organization that provides training and support to local groups to use video in their human rights advocacy campaigns. Find Video Advocacy Resources & Tools offered by WITNESS.org.

Techsoup offers nonprofits a one-stop resource for technology needs by providing free information, resources, and support. Find discounts on Flip Video cameras and other new-media tools on TechSoup.org.

Resources | Bridge The Gulf Project

see also

what next: "A Sea in Flames": Ecologist Carl Safina on First Anniversary of Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig Blowout